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Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I Am that I Am: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.
September 13, 2020

So many people don’t know who God really is- they think they know, but they are so wrong. I prayed for what message God wanted me to provide this week. And God said clearly “Tell them, I AM THAT I AM.
I’m reminded of a time when I was just learning how to drive. I was 18 years old and close to 7 months pregnant. My then, now deceased husband had been teaching me how to drive. But he was very impatient with me and used to yell at me during the lessons. One day when he was teaching me how to park, he yelled at me and I got so nervous until I actually hit someone’s parked car. So I thought I’ll just teach myself how to drive.
Since he worked the night shift, He would get in really early in the morning and fall straight to sleep. I would then take the car and practice my driving. After several lessons with myself, I felt that I was doing really great on the streets. So I decided it was time for me to graduate to the freeway. Mind, you I was teaching myself at 6:00am in the morning when the streets were very quiet at that time, many years ago.
Before the break of dawn, I was driving on the freeway and sure enough it was really quiet. I thought to myself, see I don’t need you to teach me anything anyway. And then, with the rising of the sun, I saw a car. It was coming towards me though. Hmmm, I thought, Wow- people must be like me, teaching themselves how to drive. I thought poor things; they don’t know how to drive like me though. I hope they figure out they’re going the wrong way on the freeway.
A few minutes later, I saw another car coming towards me and another, and another. And the people were all so angry, swerving at me, cursing at me, putting their fists up at me! The cars seemed like ferocious, angry little marching ants with more of them coming and coming, faster and faster.
I could hear the zoom, zoom, zoom with each car that went by. And it dawned on me, wait, there are no cars behind me, there only coming towards me and I thought the unthinkable has happened- I was driving the wrong way on the freeway in rush hour morning traffic!!!!
Oh God, I thought- it’s me!!!! God it’s me, I’m the one going the wrong way!!!! Please spare me and my baby’s life!!!! Oh Jesus. I don't know what to do Lord.
I didn’t have the skill to maneuver in and out of all those cars to get to an exit. They were coming so fast in all lanes. So I prayed and I stayed. I sat right there in the middle of the freeway, and I cried begging God to rescue us and save me and my baby.
Just as I was praying I saw red and blue lights coming at me swerving from left to right in front of all the cars. I noticed that the cars would not go past that car. All I saw was a big empty road between me and all the other cars. It was the highway patrol and the highway patrolman had stopped the traffic for me. Hallelujah, Praise God!!!! Praise God!!!! Praise God!!!!! Thank You Jesus!!!! God had answered my prayers and not a moment too late!!!!
The Highway patrolman got out of the car and came to my car. He was observing me, to see what could’ve possibly have caused me to be going the wrong way on the freeway. When he saw my big abdomen and found out that I was pregnant, he got very concerned. He asked me for my driver’s license and I told him I didn’t have one. When I told him I was teaching myself how to drive, his concern turned to anger.
He started yelling at me, shouting, “Do you know how dangerous this is- you could have got yourself killed and your unborn baby, not to mention probably other people too”. He proceeded to yell at me and scold me some more. I was already crying, but I started crying even more. He was right. But, I cried out quit yelling at me- stop yelling at me. That’s why I’m here because my husband was yelling at me too. He apologized and said let’s get you out of here.
With traffic stopped, he had me turn my car around in the middle of the freeway and he said, “Follow me”. We coasted to the nearest exit and pulled over to the side of the road on a quiet street. He came up to my car and this time, he had a look of sincere compassion on his face. He asked for my information- my age, where I lived. He said "You didn’t see the sign that said- Do Not Enter". I told him “No”.
The more the officer talked to me, the more compassion he seemed to have for me. He said he was not going to give me a ticket because if he did, it might prevent me from getting a license for a while. Reckless endangerment while driving without a license-yeah I could see that. He said he was going to have me follow him to my house. He had me promise that I would not get back on the road by myself again, until I had a drivers license. And he told me to pay real close attention to the signs.
My life was changed dramatically that day and for the better. And the lessons that I learned on that day at 18 years old have stuck with me and will be with me for the rest of my life. You see I’ve learned that God always gives us a sign - Do Not Enter-we just aren’t attuned to what the Holy Spirit is telling us. I can’t say after that lesson I always got it right, because God for sure gave me signs with my second marriage. But unlike some signs -that say Enter at Your own risk- God was right there with me again to see me through. My spiritual vision has sharpened over the years because I have learned to pray more to the Holy Spirit for awareness.
I’ve learned that sometimes you just got to quit driving- especially when you’re going the wrong way. You just got to be still and call on God. Psalms 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
I learned that you have to recognize when you’re in a situation that only God can get you out of and you have to cry out to God to save You.- Psalms 34:6 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.
I learned that when you call on God, He will answer and He will deliver you. You might not know how He’s going to work it out. But you can Trust Him that He already answered before you even called. Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
I learned that God will stand before you and danger. Just like those cars had to stay back, when God is on the scene, danger has to stay back. God sends His angels to encamp around you. Psalms 34:7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.
I learned that when you humble yourself, God will come to your rescue and supply you with His grace. James 4:6 But He giveth more grace. Wherefore He saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. I learned that God allows U-turns, even in the middle of the freeway of life. Thank You Jesus.
I learned that God deserves ALL the respect, honor, and glory due His name, but because He’s God Almighty, I’ve learned that’s more than I will ever be able to give. So I’ve learned to give Him all that I have to give- myself.
I’ve learned to listen to God when He says I Am the God who protects you; I Am the God who saves; I Am the God who delivers you; I AM the God who loves you unlike any other. I’ve learned that God is Who He says He is and He will do what He says He's going to do. I’ve learned that God is I AM THAT I AM.
Dear Father God,
Thank You Lord God for saving me from danger so many times when I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t see the signs and even when I did see the signs Lord, and I ignored them. Thank You Lord for staying with me, even when you told me Do Not Enter and I entered anyway. Thank You for not leaving me on my own and saying Enter at Your Own Risk. I can look back now Lord God and see that there were times that I was going wrong, when I thought I was going right. I can look back and see the times that I wasn’t attuned to Your voice, Holy Spirit. But even while teaching me a lesson, You showed me so much mercy, favor, and grace. Thank You Lord. Thank You, Thank You, for allowing me U-Turns in my life and then saying "Follow Me", as you coasted me to safety. Lord, I thank You for the lessons that I’ve learned along this journey. I’ve learned to listen to You God when You say I Am the God who protects you; I Am the God who saves you; I Am the God who delivers you; I AM the God who loves you, unlike any other. I’ve learned God that You are Who You say You are and You will do what You say You''re going to do. And God, I’ve learned that You are I AM THAT I AM.
In Jesus name I pray,
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